Standard Edition

Employee Time and Attendance Management system

Employee Data Bank(EDB) – Core HR

HCM Café is the best way to optimise your HR management solutions. In order to increase productivity and reduce errors, we designed this comprehensive module popularly known as employee data management (EDB). EDB automates the HR process such as leave, attendance, appraisals and training. Here are a few key features to know about our product.
Key features

  • Unlike other products, EDB is a completely user-friendly
  • It is easy and effective to collect, store and retrieve data
  • Easy to create and manage employee profile
  • Able to extract/ create multiple reports regarding employee
  • Efficient to conduct polls, surveys, suggestions and online help desk (ticket system)
  • Helps to maintain/ create/ modify audit documents

Smart Recruitment

Find the right talents to your organisation. HCM Café recruitment module helps you systematically to track the recruitment process. Here are the key features to make things arranged.

Key Features

  • Serves as an tool to classify/ search/ pin resumes according to requirements
  • It allows you to edit and generate reports/ official letters from templates to make tasks easy
  • Easy to send multiple candidates at once

Time & Attendance Management

A module that allows you to monitor and configure employee’s time management. Here are a few key pointers to opt

Key features

  • Automated time calculation (late in/early out)to reduce human errors
  • Accurate in generating reports of attendance (daily/ monthly/ yearly)
  • Helps to organise facility to multiple shifts

Payroll Management

HCM Café is offering a reliable tool to manage your organisation’s payroll system. Here are some features that may help you increase productivity

Key features

  • Efficient to operate any number of salary components/structure
  • Reduce the complexity of PF, ESI, Profession profession tax, TDS, Income income tax, etc.
  • Allows you to generate pay slips in regional/ multi-language formats
  • Comfortable in tracking employee’s pay history, settlement, loan balances, notice pay and, leave encashment and, Income Tax, etc
  • Configured with built-in with accounting software programs such as Tally, People soft, SAP People soft or others, etc.

Leave Management

To manage employee’s leaves and administrative tasks, our module serves you the best in the market. Here are some features of our module

Key features

  • Inbuilt configurable flow allows the user to apply/approve workflow
  • Optimizable to set the categories of leaves
  • Allows the employee to apply the leaves with email notification
  • Interactive leave planner helps the manager to withdraw or cancel leaves request
  • Above all, it reduces the paperwork and physical movement

Travel & Reimbursement Management

To improve employee manage satisfaction through effective processes we provide the employee’s travel and expense management service.

Key features

  • An effective web-based tool to streamline employee travel request and approval process
  • It supports complex travel rules to make the claims process more controlled and easier for everyone.
  • Options are there to allow multi-level approvals from the manager to the employee and vice-versa.
  • Just have to scan & upload the copy of the expense bill copies

Training & Development

We provide a web-based training management software that helps the organisation in providing training for the employees. The software program is accurate to the point because of its automated technology. A few key pointers about the software

Key features

  • Allows tracking employee’s training against their required positions.
  • Handy to design training calendar, courses, feedback’s forms, etc
  • Send email reminders relating to class sessions
  • Allows the managers to view the course calendar and recommend their team members for existing or new courses
  • Track training attendance, training completion and cancellations.
  • Record training credits, training hours, and assessment scores.
  • Capture and analyze the post-training feedback
  • Monitor progress made by employees, post-training.

Performance Management (PMS)

PMS is an effective tool to monitor the employee’s/ teamwork performances. Allows the managers to align the workforce according to the organization’s goals and objectives.

Our Performance Management software is an ideal platform for setting, tracking and appraising employee performance.

Key features

  • Helps to streamline the appraisal cycle by setting up calendars
  • Supports to map the actual appraisal ratings Vs the standard set
  • Facilitates individual development plans and training
  • Define KRA, KPI with different weightages

Exit Management

HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • Exit Process – submit resignation, approve etc.
  • Exit Work Flow : IT /ADMIN/ FIN etc.
  • EXIT Interview
  • Full and Final Settlement
  • Tender, view, withdraw & track resignation online
  • Manager can review and approve the resignation request
  • Manager can set the last working day
  • Employee can review and track the dues clearance status
  • IHR can initiate/update exit interview feedback
  • Generate payroll inputs for full and final settlement
  • Generate relieving documents

Value added services


HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • Employee self-service Dashboard
  • Manager self-service Dashboard
  • Employee to view their daily/weekly/monthly Attendance
  • Manager to view their subordinate profile
  • Approve/reject features
  • Manager to View their Subordinate monthly summary
  • One click information to view their subordinate productivity
  • Apply provision on behalf of their team members

Header Reports

HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • Employee to view their daily/weekly/monthly Attendance
  • Manager to view their subordinate profile
  • Monthly Muster, Monthly Punch Report, Leave Ledge Report, Leave Balance Summary


HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • View Org Structure, policies & document online
  • Apply for leaves, Check leave balance
  • Request advances, expenses/claims & check status
  • View/update Income Tax computation
  • View pay-slips, loan balances, PF, TDS etc., for any processed month
  • Write goals, submit self-appraisal, check status
  • Submit changes to personal data in HR records
  • Check Profile details +more…