Basic Edition

Employee Time and Attendance Tracking software

Employee Data Bank

It is a comprehensive module that allows managing multiple informations of the employee. Employee Data Management (EDB) automates the various process of HR related to time and attendance management system
Key features

  • Automates the process of leave, attendance, payroll, appraisal, training etc
  • It enables the manager/ organisation to create and manage the employee’s information
  • Payroll details like Bank, PF, PAN NO etc
  • Also, options to save the other details of the employee such as marks sheets, certificate, appointment letter, passport, ID proof etc

Time & Attendance Management

One of the effective ways to configure employee time and attendance management is to opt for HCM Café time management module.

Key features

  • Automated real-time takes care of Daily/ monthly/ yearly attendance reports
  • Zero human error tolerance
  • Automated late-in/ early-out calculation

Leave Management

One of the best module to configure the employee’s leave and administrative tasks. Here are the few key features of the leave management module.

Key features

  • It has an inbuilt configurable workflow to make the process of apply/approve easy
  • The manager to add/ deduct leaves
  • Allows the employees to apply for the leave with email notification.
  • It reduces the paperwork, hard files and physical movement

Basic Payroll

One of the reliable and effective HR and payroll management software to manage employee payroll processing, filing statutory returns, generating pay slips, etc.

Key features

  • Effective in addressing the requirements related to PF, ESI, Profession profession tax, TDS, Income income tax, etc.
  • Able to generate pay slips in multi-language

Value added services


HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • Employee self-service Dashboard
  • Manager self-service Dashboard
  • Employee to view their daily/weekly/monthly Attendance
  • Manager to view their subordinate profile
  • Approve/reject features
  • Manager to View their Subordinate monthly summary
  • One click information to view their subordinate productivity
  • Apply provision on behalf of their team members


HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • Employee to view their daily/weekly/monthly Attendance
  • Manager to view their subordinate profile
  • Monthly Muster, Monthly Punch Report, Leave Ledge Report, Leave Balance Summary


HCM Café The software is an accurate, simple and reliable tool for the HR, exit process, exit interview, process clearance etc.

Key features

  • View Org Structure, policies & document online
  • Apply for leaves, Check leave balance
  • Request advances, expenses/claims & check status
  • View/update Income Tax computation
  • View pay-slips, loan balances, PF, TDS etc., for any processed month
  • Write goals, submit self-appraisal, check status
  • Submit changes to personal data in HR records
  • Check Profile details +more…